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Stephen Di Gravio is a Naarm/ Melbourne-based writer, director & producer. Originally from the suburbs of Newcastle, Stephen grew up far from anything connected to filmmaking, resulting in much of his childhood spent pestering his Nonno & Nonna with extravagant tales of space adventure and otherworldly creatures.


Fast forward almost a decade and Stephen now holds a Bachelors and Masters in Film & TV from Swinburne University and the Victorian College of the Arts respectively. Between his studies, Stephen co-founded the production company KIT3, and produced their first two documentary projects, White Side and Good Gnocchi, with support from the City of Melbourne and the Victorian Multicultural Commission.

With a style labelled as 'melancomic' (melancholic + comedic), Stephen's work reflects a commitment to exploring themes of empathy and understanding through storytelling. This continues with his most postgraduate film, Anna, which garnered a 2023 Australian Directors Guild Award nomination for the emerging director.

View my showreel here.


p: +61 421 160 612

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